
Together we make children’s lives more promising by supporting small-scale projects in developing countries.

Realised projects


Educational institution Leoncio Prado, Karina, Chucuito, Puno, Peru

We provided school furniture and computers.


Educational institution Capi Cruz Grande, Uros Chulluni, Puno, Peru

The school was rebuilt with our support after it was destroyed by fire, and we provided furniture and a motorboat to take the children – who live on reed islands that the people built themselves on Lake Titikaka – to school and bring them back safely every day.


Educational institution Capi Cruz Grande, Uros Tribuna, Puno, Peru

We provided a motorboat to take the children – who live on reed islands that the people built themselves on Lake Titikaka – to school and bring them back safely every day.


Professional training for former child soldiers, Monrovia, Liberia

Despite the efforts of many, hardly any progress could be made, due to the severe drug addiction of the former child soldiers. Therefore, we decided with pain in our hearts to stop supporting this project financially.


Educational institution of Suana, Suana Island, Peru

We provided this school with furniture, computers, and musical instruments.


Educational institution of Anapia, Anapia Island, Peru

We provided this school with a motorboat for safe school transport.


Healthcare institution ‘House of Peace’, Juli, Peru

We provided this health care institution with the necessary equipment and materials to improve the quality of life and social integration of disabled people.


Educational institution of Conima, Conima, Moho, Puno, Peru

We provided this school with furniture and computers.


Children from Dhading, Nepal

We made possible that 12 children, from families with no financial means, go to school for three years (2020 – 2022).


St. Francis Training Institute, Mbarara, Uganda

We provided this school, a training institute for young tailors and counsellors, with 30 new laptops.


St. Francis Training Institute, Mbarara, Uganda

We provided this school, a training institute for young tailors and counsellors, with sewing machines and tailoring tools.


Young girl, Lira, Uganda

Through our work in Uganda we came into contact with a young girl who needed urgent medical attention. The treatment has now been successfully completed.


Educational institution of Kamsontenga, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Together with AGAD, Lenie Hoegen Dijkhof, her husband Yessa Diarra and our donors, we realized the first three classrooms plus general facilities of a new school in the Kamsontenga district.

14 & 19.

Multipurpose Hall, Varanasi, India

Father Abhi (DARE) runs a shelter for girls, who were found homeless and without family in the train stations of Varanasi. The goal is to reunite the children with the parents as soon as possible. The previous shelter was too small. Partly thanks to the support of the Wilde Ganzen Foundation (a Dutch NGO) and a private donor, we have built, furnished, and fully equipped a multipurpose hall. On March 3, 2023, the new building was officially opened


Burlobo Rock View Primary School, Lira, Uganda

With great regret – after a breach of trust – we had to decide to cancel this project. Both donors have received their full donation back.


Literacy Centre, Varanasi, India

DARE, led by Father Abhi, runs a literacy center at all five Varanasi train stations, where 20 to 25 children learn to read and write/functional literacy. In addition, food is provided to ensure their nutritional requirements. Eligible and interested children continue their studies in the local formal schools. Through financial support, we have enabled the literacy class at Banaras station for two years (April 2022 – March 2024).


Le Tisserin, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

At the request of Association Le Tisserin, we contributed to the education of 22 displaced children during the 2022-2023 school year. The children, in most cases together with their families, have fled the areas of violence in the north of Burkina Faso and have permanently settled in the safer south. Considering the distress situation of the beneficiary children, we have decided, in close consultation with the local organization, not to post photos of the children.


St Johns School For The Deaf, Serrekunda, Gambia

Initiated by Wil and Annemarie Koch (two Dutch benefactors), we helped to deliver two passenger vans for daily school transport, so that the deaf students, who were stuck at home, can go to school again.


OCADES, Koupela, Burkina Faso

Sister Felicité Sandwidi (OCADES) teaches sewing to girls in a hangar. Thanks to two donors, we have built a classroom and delivered 20 new sewing machines. This way we have doubled the teaching capacity. The new classroom is operational since Q1 2024.


Water supply, Kondin’s school, Burkina Faso

We have realized a water supply at the school in Kondin, Burkina Faso. The local community and especially the children are very happy with the water supply. Big thanks to the donor and Lenie Hoegen Dijkhof – who, together with her husband Yessa – has once again brought a great project to a successful conclusion.


St Johns School For The Deaf, Serrekunda, Gambia

At the initiative of Wil and Annemarie Koch (two Dutch benefactors), we have provided the school with a maintenance/repair budget for the vans (see project 18). We have also provided the metal and wood departments with various tools, and we have contributed to optimizing the energy supply via solar panels.


School reintegration project for displaced pupils, Koupela, Burkina Faso

At the request of and together with the Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI), we have contributed to the socio-educational reintegration of internally displaced pupils. This is mainly done by providing school supplies and meals during the 2023 – 2024 school year.


Children of Nalanda, India

Joint Action Networking is an NGO active in Nalanda, Bihar, India. There they run thirty ‘support centers’ where children receive simple primary education in preparation for regular education. Thanks to one of our donors, we have provided learning materials to 1,000 children and sitting mats to 100 children. Some of the materials will be used for one year, others for two years.

Projects in progress


Twelve children from Nepal

From mid-April 2024 until mid-April 2027 we support 12 children to attend school in Dhading, Kathmandu, Sindhupalchowk (Nepal). The support includes, among other things: tuition fees, books, stationary, bag, dress. This is an initiative of ‘Stichting Veldwerk Nepal’ (SVN), which also manages the project locally. We have done a similar project in the past, see project 9.


Multipurpose Hall, Majhila, India

At the request of and in collaboration with Father Abhi, from the Varanasi province of the IMS, we will build a multifunctional hall in Majhila in 2025. The hall will have various functions, but more than 75% of the activities will be daily preschool services to prepare 150 to 200 children – in a vulnerable position – for formal education each year.


About us

The unpaid board consists of Maarten Verhoeven (chair), Daphne Gouweloos (secretary) and Rianne Vermeulen (treasurer).
Thanks to our contributors we can do this great work.

Maarten Verhoeven


Daphne Gouweloos



Rianne Vermeulen



Stichting Little Smile Foundation

De Biezen 1
1394 LR Nederhorst den Berg
The Netherlands

Any questions?

Any questions? Please send an email to Daphne Gouweloos


Stichting Little Smile Foundation was founded on 27 June 2018.
For the Articles of Association, click here, for the policy plan click here.

The CoC number is: 71994335.
Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI), RSIN/fiscal code: 8589 33 421.
Triodos Bank IBAN number: NL 48 TRIO 0379 3156 37. Triodos Bank BIC number: TRIONL2U.

Click here for the Annual Report 2023.
Click here for the Standard form publication obligation ANBI General.